Chancel Guild

To be determined.

Lay Readers

In each Sunday worship service, a person other than the pastor who is preaching that day (typically a lay person) reads the scripture passages that are the basis for the day’s sermon. Church office personnel set up an assigned rotation of persons who have expressed a willingness to be a reader, and occasionally there are openings in the schedule that need to be filled. Click here if you would be interested in being included in the volunteer rotation.

Communion Servers

Currently, communion is regularly served in worship on the first Sunday of each month; communion servers are stationed multiple places throughout the Sanctuary, and assist the pastors with the serving of the communion elements. Church office personnel set up an assigned rotation of persons who have expressed a willingness to be a communion server, and occasionally there are openings in the schedule that need to be filled. Click here if you would be interested in being included in the volunteer rotation.

Altar Flowers

For each Sunday's worship services, flowers are placed in the chancel area at the front of the Sanctuary. Persons may purchase the flowers planned for a particular Sunday simply as a donation, or as a memorial or honorarium. The name(s) of the donor(s) and any memorial or honorarium information will be included in the Sunday worship bulletins. Click here to reserve your altar flowers!

Coffee Fellowship

Volunteers provide refreshments in the first floor Gathering Space for Sunday’s worship services. The jobs include a Monthly Coordinator and multiple Pastry/Snack Providers: the Monthly Coordinator is responsible for making sure all refreshments are setup for the Coffee Fellowship (including making the coffee); the Pastry/Snack Providers bring one or more food items to be served. Click here to volunteer!

Nursery Care

For each Sunday worship service, volunteers serve in the nursery to care for children under 3 years of age. Persons serving must have knowledge of Safe Sanctuaries policies, and must follow the procedures put in place by First Church to be in compliance with these policies. Church office personnel set up an assigned rotation of persons who have expressed a willingness to provide nursery care, and occasionally there are openings in the schedule that need to be filled. Click here if you would be interested in being included in the volunteer rotation.


To be determined.