We strive to accomplish this by connecting with others so that we can grow together in faith and serve the world in Jesus’ name.
Connecting people to a faith community where they can develop a deeper relationship with God.
Helping people grow in their faith in Jesus Christ, and in their relationships with others in our faith community.
Sending people to be the hands and feet of Jesus through service to our community and in the world.
At First Church, our faith is rooted and shaped by the Wesleyan tradition, and committed to living out God’s love in the world. Our beliefs guide us as we worship, grow in faith, and serve our neighbors.
We believe in one God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—who creates, redeems, and sustains all things. God’s love is boundless, God’s grace is transforming, and God’s mission is for all people to know and experience abundant life.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God, fully divine and fully human. Through life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, all who trust in him find salvation. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, and through him we are reconciled to God and empowered to live as his faithful followers.
The Holy Spirit is God’s presence at work in the world and in our lives. The Spirit leads, convicts, comforts, and empowers us to live in holiness, bear witness to Christ, and serve others with love and compassion.
We believe the Bible is the inspired and authoritative Word of God, revealing God’s truth and guiding us in faith and practice. Through Scripture, we learn who God is, who we are, and how we are called to live as followers of Jesus.
We believe that we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. God’s grace is always at work—seeking us, saving us, and transforming us. As United Methodists, we emphasize the power of grace to bring us new life and to help us grow in holiness through our love of God and our neighbors.
The Church is the Body of Christ, called to worship, make disciples, and serve the world. We believe in the importance of Christian community, where we support one another, grow in faith, and work together to share the gospel.
Faith is not just something we believe—it’s something we live. We are committed to sharing Christ’s love through acts of compassion, justice, and service. Whether it’s feeding the hungry, caring for the vulnerable, or advocating for those in need, we believe following Jesus means actively loving our neighbors.
We believe God is at work restoring and renewing all things. As followers of Christ, we participate in God’s mission to bring healing, reconciliation, and hope to the world. We seek to live as a sign of God’s kingdom, where God’s love, justice, and peace will reign forever.
Just like our beliefs are important, so are the things we value most in life. Here at First Church we believe a church should be a place people are able to grow - as people and in their faith.
We all need quality time with God each day. It can mean praying, reading the Bible, or any other way we feel close to God. Unless we spend time with God, we can never truly learn to live as followers of Jesus.
There are many ways to grow in our faith - practices often called “spiritual disciplines”: praying, reading the Bible, journaling, fasting, serving others, and more.
Here are some good resources:
Try one of these Study Bibles: Wesley Study Bible, NIV Study Bible, Life Application Bible
Download YouVersion - a Bible app with many translations, reading plans, and more
Check out the videos from BibleProject to learn more about the Bible
Prayers and Devotions:
Worship is more than just an hour on Sunday—it’s a way of living in awe, gratitude, and devotion to God. When we gather for worship, we encounter God’s presence, are shaped by Scripture, and are sent out to love and serve the world.
Jesus called us to love and serve one another. Unless we are serving and witnessing to our faith, we are not living out our faith in real and practical ways.
Ways to serve include:
Committing to participate in a church ministry
Supporting a ministry through prayer, financial support, donation of supplies, and the giving your time
Participating in a local, national, or international mission trip
The love of Christ compels us to welcome everyone. We believe the church should be a community where people are known, valued, and supported in their faith journey.
Notice & Engage – Be aware of those who may feel like outsiders. Take the first step to introduce yourself, ask questions, and listen.
Extend Invitations – Invite others to church, small groups, or community events. A personal invitation can make all the difference.
Meet People Where They Are – Not everyone will come to church first. Engage in conversations at work, school, or in your neighborhood.
Live Your Faith Openly – Share how Christ has impacted your life in natural, authentic ways.
Christian stewardship reminds us that everything we have is a gift from God. Stewardship is about more than money, it is discipleship, and includes sharing our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness all to help grow God's Kingdom.
Vital Relationships are an important tool for faith development. Through our relationships, we become stronger as we help each other through struggles, temptations and shortfalls, and as we encourage one another towards spiritual growth.
Personal Development is a way for us to care for our bodies, challenge our minds, and address our behaviors. If we are not living a healthy lifestyle and finding ways to set aside our sins, we cannot become more like Jesus.
Some important areas to focus on include:
Physical Health - exercise, eat healthy, get plenty of sleep.
Mental Health - talk to someone about your problems, set goals, continue to learn and build new skills.
Emotional Health - spend time in prayer and meditation, surround yourself with positive influences, learn to say “no”.