We sometimes talk about Jesus as “the Lamb of God”; John the Baptizer called him the “Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world”. But how much thought do we give to Jesus being our scapegoat? Just as the scapegoat carried away the sins of ancient Israel, Jesus bore the weight of humanity’s sins, offering us freedom and reconciliation with God. Through his sacrifice, we are freed from the burden of guilt, inviting us to embrace God’s grace and live with renewed purpose and peace in our lives.

Today's sermon is "Carrying Our Burden" and comes from Isaiah 53:3-6.

Points from today's sermon:

1. “Scapegoat” theory of atonement The scapegoat is where someone is blamed for the mistakes of others, often unjustly, in order to absolve others.

2. Jesus as the Scapegoat

3. Jesus’ sacrifice frees us from guilt and the burden of sin.

Miss a Sunday? Maybe you couldn't make it to worship this week because you were on vacation or recovering from an illness? We understand. We missed seeing you, but you can still see us!

Check out our online worship service videos to view a message you might have missed from either our Traditional or Praise and Worship service.

This week’s bulletin can be accessed HERE.


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Join us for our upcoming sermon series!

Built to Last

In our “Built to Last” sermon series, we’ll explore the Kingdom of God—its present reality and future promise. Jesus' teachings and parables will help us to discover how the Kingdom transforms our lives now and shapes our hope for the future. We’ll examine what it means to live as citizens of the Kingdom, how we can embrace its values, and finally to accept the responsibilities living in the Kingdom brings. Join us as we learn more about how we can live in a kingdom that is built to last.